
Damn You Stephanie Meyer!

Twilight got me hooked. I soon found myself enthralled by New Moon and Eclipse, the second and third installments in the Twilight Saga. I also found my fiance to be threatened by the relationship I had formed with these 500 + page books.

Not to worry, he isn't the only man suffering the backlash of the perfect Edward Cullen. A man in Borders yesterday saw I was holding Breaking Dawn in my hands and proceeds to tell me his wife is obsessed with those books. Clearly he needed to get something off his chest, but I wasn't about to be his on-the-spot therapist. So I smiled politely nodded my head and mumbled something about him never being able to understand Edward before I awkwardly ran off.

Let me get back to the main point of this entry, which is Stephanie Meyer has produced paper gold, or in my case, hard cover crack. Yesterday I decided that the 4 days that had passed since I finished Eclipse was already too long for me to wait to find out what happens with Bella and Edward, so I absolutely needed to buy the last book Breaking Dawn. I figured I would go to the Borders on 34th street since it was close to my work and because I had a coupon to Borders (whoo hoo!). I walked into the book store, my senses on high alert for a black hardcover book with a chess piece on the front. Found it! Actually I found the Stephanie Meyer display with Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse but no Breaking Dawn. I proceeded upstairs to the young adult section confidant I wold find my fix there.

I did not.

At this point I was almost in a panic, so I found an associate and she told me the horrible truth.

They were sold out.

Oh God.

What was I going to do? I had to be at work in 45 minutes. Could I make it to the Columbus Circle Borders and get back in time for work? No time for questions! I made a run for it (ok, a very brisk walk, but still - I was in a rush)
I rushed to the train and then waited. And waited some more. Fifteen dire minutes later the MTA got their shit together and a train came rolling into the station.

By the time I got out of the train and up to street level I was sweating and didn't care if I looked like an idiot running for Borders. So I did.


There it was in all its gloriousness. Breaking Dawn sitting right there on the Stephanie Meyer display. I grabbed it and this is when I had the awkward encounter with the man rambling on about how much his wife loved those books and how he doesn't read but watches Sports Center. (Uh, hello! Pick up a book and maybe your wife will be half involved with you as she is with Edward Cullen!) No time for small talk. I raced to the line and it moved quickly. Looking at my phone I figured I only had about 15 minutes to get to work so there was no time for small talk with the nice gay Asian man who was ringing me up. My coupon. Oh no. I couldn't' find it.

"I don't care about the coupon! Just ring me up!"

$24.83 later I ran for the subway got on the train and sat down enjoying the high that had just come with my great accomplishment. Ahhhhh......

Thanks again Stephanie Meyer, for making me become slightly insane in order to get a hold of this book. It's wonderful being "that girl" in NY running with an ankle length down jacket holding onto her knit hat, purse flailing about. Good times.

This last book better be worth it, but I have a feeling it already is.

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