
"Wha chu mean I no espeak a whyte?"

Some parents raise their children to reach for the stars and dream big. Some parents encourage their children to attain their full potential and tell them they can be "whatever they want to be."

This was obviously the case for this piece of work.

What the hell is wrong with this trashy-ass-drag-queen look-alike?

"It was kind of like my dream to work at the [Hawaiian Tropic Zone],"

You mean your dream isn't to live uneducated and in poverty, pregnant living off tax payer money? Girl yo dreams' is big!

Here's my opinion.

You didn't get the job not because you didn't sound "white" but probably because you sounded uneducated.

You didn't get the job not because you're "ghetto" but because your brown lip liner and frosted lipstick screams 1996.

You didn't get the job not because you don't look good in a bikini.... er.... well actually, that picture of you in the Daily News does scream "Bad photoshopping! Check out the jagged contour of my waist! I'm not that thin!"

So Miss Morales I'm sure there's some brains in that pretty little head of yours, put it to good use.

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