
Give Me..... Movie Reviews!

I am so over movie reviews because they are so freakin' misleading!

In an attempt to rectify the movie review situation that has plagued the industry I have decided that I will be so kind as to let all you good people the truth about the movies I spend my $9.50 on (yes I said $9.50, NYC is expensive, do you actually think I will pay $12.50 when all I have to do is press "senior ticket" at the self serve kiosk? Wise up people c'mon!)

This movie has gotten some pretty terrible reviews like "With three storylines, a ludicrous performance by Kidman, and Baz's self-indulgence getting the best of him, AUSTRALIA is one of this year's biggest blunders." That my dear movie lovers, is completely inaccurate!

I had my doubts going into this movie and it won me over almost immediately. The scenery is beautiful, great direction by Baz Luhrmann, and Nicole Kidman is probably the most entertaining I've ever seen her. The complaints about this movie are that it's over the top and grandiose and 'phony' even, but this film seems like a return to the days when Hollywood made beautiful movies that moved people. Maybe Hollywood should take some direction from Luhrmann and start making movies that are poignant and beautifully executed instead of people getting blown up and f**ked 6 ways from Sunday. I'm sick of wasting my hard earned cash on films that promote sex and violence and drugs, or films that try so hard mimic real life disaster and trauma.

This film is on my top 10 favorites, right up there with Pretty Woman (what girl doesn't love it?) Waitress, and Bella. The little boy who plays Nullah is a breath of fresh air in an industry where child actors make me want to stick a pencil in my eye (I'm talking to you Dakota Fanning and Miley Cyrus). Not ever having acted in his life and found straight from an Aborigine tribe in Australia, Brandon Walters can act with the best of 'em, and he proves it in this film. He will steal a little piece of your heart and make your soul smile.

Get with the program filmmakers, I'm not wasting my money on Terminator Salvation or Punisher: War Zone. I know my dad is totally disagreeing with me right now saying "hey, those are good movies" but really dad hasn't that all been done before?

It's time Hollywood, to bring back movie making that take us away from our lives entertaining the senses and delighting the soul.

Four Christmases
Ahhhh, Vince Vaughn thank you for not letting me down and totally delivering, carrying this film. And thank you Reese Witherspoon for being completely sweet and utterly predictable. What a strange dichotomy these two had, but it works. Vaughn delivers his usual improv-y talks-too-much kind of quick wit humor and Reese is, well I never really dislike her choice in scripts. She knows what works for her and she sticks to it. Good for you Reese.

Ok seriously, I was so not wanting to see this movie but I got up early and caught a matinee. I'm glad I did (because I liked the movie but still not enough to spend close to $13 for it). It was amusing and funny, semi-lighthearted, semi-depressing if you went to see it by yourself (which I did), but all in all it was pretty good and hopeful, like Australia.

Ok, I know it seems I'm reading a little too deeply into a Vince Vaughn flick with using words like depressing and hopeful, but, well it is! Especially the Christmas Play part. Vince, you are so entertaining.

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