
Ahh, to feel 14 again...

So over the weekend, I finished reading Twilight. Yes, Twilight, the 500 page book that has taken the hormonal teenage girl world be storm. I haven't felt this giddy since N'SYNC came out with their holiday CD (sadly, I'm very serious). I couldn't put the book down, something about, um, falling in love with a fictional 90-year-old-posing-as-a-17-year-old vampire. What? That sounds ridiculous! Loving a man that's younger?! I know. It's crazy.

I do however have a bone to pick with Miss Stephanie Meyer.

Thanks a lot Miss Meyer, for creating a being so perfect it makes all real men pale in comparison (no pun intended, really). Imagine all the disappointed girls who begin dating only to find out men aren't really like that! Imagine all the disappointed women who are married, suddenly wishing they were sleeping next to a vampire instead of their own pathetic middle aged balding fat husband. Imagine all the disappointed gay men who know that Edward's heart (and rock hard body) belongs only to a woman. You know what Stephanie Meyer? You just set up generations of girls to be disappointed in their inevitable future interactions with the opposite sex. You just set up complete disappointment in women currently in a relationship!

You have effectively ruined any future romantic affairs for all teen girls and 20-somethings alike!

I will, Miss Stephanie Meyer, begin reading Midnight Sun. The version of Twilight from Edwards point of view, not because I want to, but because I am addicted. As an addict, I have no choice but to feed my thirst (pun intended) for your fictional being.

Thanks a lot Stephanie Meyer.

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