
UFC Fighters & Goats... One In The Same

I've totally seen this somewhere before.... if only I can remember where...

GOP Party is Desperate

The Republican party is not only recruiting Elizabeth Hasselback's womb, but they are now so desperate to counteract Rush Limbaugh's disastrous remarks about hoping that President Obama "fails", they're creating a scary young following.

Like this kid, who I think isn't even a real human child, but more like a creepy new wave terminator type cyborg.



The End of The World is Near

Because as if there wasn't enough crap on television, now there are the real desperate housewives of........

wait for it.....................

wait for it..........................

New Jersey

Are you kidding me???????? As if Jersey isn't bad enough; smelling like burning tires, producing Guido Beach, and the True Life: Jersey Shore disaster.

HELLO!!! Now you're going to introduce these real-life desperate housewives to America and think peoples opinions of dirty Jerz is going to change? It's going to make it worse! I already know what these bitches are going to sound like with their trashy accents and their dire attempts to prove they are in fact 'strong east coast (probably Italian American) women'.

Know what Bravo? You can take your desperate Jersey mom's, and shove them up your ass.


Aha Moments, Making Me Want To Vomit

Living in NYC I see weird things, strange phenomena that baffles the mind. One of these strange (and gross) phenomena is really old moms.

You know what? Women go through menopause for a reason. Because you are not supposed to be pregnant when you're old! The grossest thing I see on a pretty regular basis is a woman in her mid or late 40's pregnant!

What?!?! What is wrong with you? Now you want a family?

Oh, ok, so you wanted a great career. Fine, that's admirable, go girl. But now you want a great career and a baby? I think you're selfish. If you live in Manhattan, have a successful career and now you're having a baby, you're probably not going to raise it anyway! You're Caribbean baby nurse/nanny will be taking care of that kid.

Seriously. A woman with gray hair and wrinkles with a protruding womb is GROSS!

It's Terrible to Laugh at Poor Defenseless Animals

But I do anyway


Bristol Palin & her fiance call off the wedding.

A source says it's because Bristol's boobs didn't stay as inflated as Levi had hoped.


Move Over Hollywood

Indie artistis are movin' in.

check her out here


Give Me... Movie Reviews!

Ok, so I'm a little behind on this one but I finally got around to seeing Twilight and boy was I let the f*** down!


Ok, I get it. I know that movies are NEVER as good as the book, so I sat down to watch this move with that in mind. While the movie as a whole is expected to not be up to par, the acting totally sucked vampire balls. Rob Pattinson, you were fine. Kristen Stewart - ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

Not only do you bring no personality to Bella, you don't ever stop twitching!

What do you have turrets? An eyelash in your eye? Some weird twitching disease? What is wrong with you?

And would it kill you to be somewhat interesting in an interview? You bore me to sleep and are awfully obnoxious for someone so uninteresting. There should have been talk of recasting you instead of soon-to-be gay man idol Taylor Lautner. Although they should have replaced Taylor with this guy. Or this one.

Serisouly Kristen, a student in an acting 101 class at community college could act circles around you....... literally.

Oh and the director, Catherine Hardwick - thank you for not coming back for New Moon! Did you shoot this on a Handicam? Was that the reason for all the weird angles and sometimes shaky feeling?

I doubt I'll be watching New Moon when it comes out.